Delivered on a standard, silicone lined, virgin release liner that is not curbside recyclable. Extremely high tack adhesive bonds with difficult-to-adhere materials and surfaces such as 100% Recycled Padded Mailers.
All are compatible with direct thermal label printers, and industrial rolls are compatible with industrial printers only. Check our Printer Compatibility Guide to ensure these labels work with your printer.
Paper-based packaging with 100% recycled content and an uneven surface, such as our 100% Recycled Padded Mailers, can be difficult for labels and stickers to adhere to. This may result in having to cover shipping labels with clear plastic tape, making the entire package far more difficult to recycle.
Most labels utilize acrylic emulsion adhesive which are ~50% adhesive and ~50% water. Our high-tack shipping labels use a hot melt adhesive, which is 100% adhesive and no water. This makes for a stronger and more permanent seal than can be achieved through acrylic emulsion.
We recommend these high-tack labels when other standard labels or EcoEnclose Zero Waste Labels are not sticking effectively on your 100% recycled packaging. They are most helpful when the labels are adhering to an uneven surface that is made with 100% recycled fibers.
These labels are not a more sustainable option than standard labels; they are a solution designed to help companies ensure they can successfully use 100% recycled paper-based packaging that has an uneven or cushioned surface. Packages with these labels on them can be recycled as normal.
We recommend eco-minded companies to first test our Direct Thermal Labels on Zero Waste Liners, featuring a 100% recycled and curbside recyclable release liner, and only consider this high tack option if the zero waste labels have not been successful.
Regular Rolls
Industrial Rolls