Guide to Packaging Compliance and Regulations
This guide will give you a higher-level overview of packaging compliance and a breakdown of specific laws and guidelines that may apply to your brand.
We also offer recommendations to help you align with current requirements and position your brand for success as sustainability laws evolve.
Paired with our Guide to Extended Producer Responsibility, this guide will give you a solid foundation as you navigate the increasingly complex landscape of EPR and compliance.
Table of Contents
- Quick Checklist of Recommended Steps for Brands
- Summary of Compliance and Regulations
- What Legislation Should Brands Consider in Their Compliance Strategy?
- Extended Producer Responsibility in the EU
- The Packaging Waste Directive
- The Waste Framework Directive
- The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
- EU Green Claims Directive
- FTC Green Guides
- SEC Proposed Rule on Carbon Emissions Disclosure
- Extended Producer Responsibility in the US
- California Truth in Labeling
- Colorado Truth in Labeling
- Other Legislations that may Affect Packaging Decisions
- Plastic Packaging Tax
- Labeling and Compliance
- How to Comply with Sustainable Packaging Requirements
- EcoEnclose is Here to Help You Stay On Top of Compliance
A Note from EcoEnclose CEO Saloni Doshi
If hearing the word “compliance” sends you into a cold sweat, you’re not alone. Our EcoAllies often ask us questions about regulations and requirements for their brand, particularly regarding sustainable packaging legislation.
The reality is that packaging compliance is complex and constantly changing. However, creating a compliance strategy for your brand doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming.
Many of the legislative pieces making headlines are actually in the early stages of development and don’t apply to most brands yet. This means many requirements are unclear and may not have been set.
In addition, some of the more comprehensive reporting or compliance regulations will apply only to some types of businesses for the foreseeable future, such as large public companies.
For most of our EcoAllies, it will be some time before significant changes occur.
However, this doesn’t mean your brand can afford to ignore compliance completely until a future date. These changing regulations are essential, and ensuring your business complies is critical to your long-term business growth.
Throughout it all, EcoEnclose is here as your partner and ally. We’re happy to help you determine what compliance looks like for your business right now and what steps you may need to take in the future. So, if you have any questions or concerns about packaging compliance, please contact us anytime.
- Saloni Doshi, CEO at EcoEnclose
Compliance & Legislation Resources
Thin Film Recycling
Retailer Requirements
Designing for Recyclability
About EcoEnclose
EcoEnclose is the leading sustainable packaging company that provides eco-packaging solutions to the world’s most forward-thinking brands.
We develop diverse, sustainable packaging solutions that meet our rigorous research-based standards and customers’ goals. We drive innovative packaging materials to market and consistently improve the circularity of existing solutions.
What Does Your Brand Need to Do to Stay On Top of Packaging Compliance?
For most of our EcoAllies, no immediate or pressing changes will affect their packaging and compliance strategy. Many of these legislative changes will take time to roll out. Others will only affect certain types of companies or products.
That said, there are steps we recommend all our EcoAllies take to stay ahead of future changes and avoid potential problems.
The impact of many relevant US laws is still in the future, and the specifics are still unfolding. EcoEnclose is here to help you stay current on the information you need and be well-prepared for what is to come. If you’re unsure where you need to start, please reach out to us.
Packaging Compliance and Regulations to Navigate as a Sustainable Brand
What Legislation Should Brands Consider in Their Compliance Strategy?
The legal requirements for packaging, reporting, and sustainability are changing fast, making it difficult to know which rules apply to your brand. On top of that, different countries and even different states have varying requirements.
These legal requirements may include:
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
Marking Requirements
Single-Use Plastics (SUP) Use Requirements
Plastic Taxes
Requirements for Food Contact Materials
Reporting Requirements
Various states have their own approach to sustainability and EPR within the United States. Within the European Union, packaging legislation differs greatly in each country regarding rules (such as marking requirements) and in allocating responsibilities and costs (such as who pays the tax on plastics).
Despite this complex and evolving landscape, it is helpful to remember that most legislation has common points. For example, most will favor strategies like:
Increasing recycled content
Designing for recyclability
Reducing source materials
Maintaining accurate supply chain records and packaging data
Your efforts today to continuously improve your packaging strategy will set you up for long-term success, regardless of whether or not your brand must comply with any regulation currently.
Below, you’ll find a breakdown of some of the packaging and sustainability legislation that may affect brands in the US, UK, and other areas around the globe.
Understanding Packaging Compliance Requirements
in the European Union
Extended Producer Responsibility
What is it?
Requires B2C producers to report the volumes of packaging used in a calendar year.
Is it currently in effect?
Yes, with future additional requirements likely.
Do brands need to take action today?
Yes, if selling in countries that require it.
What do brands need to do?
Register with a government agency, pay membership fees, collect packaging data, and submit an annual report. Quarterly reports may be required for large volumes.
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In the EU, product producers have some level of responsibility for minimizing, reusing, recovering, and processing packaging. A “producer” here is defined as any party who first fills the packaging with goods (i.e., a brand) or first puts filled packaging on the market. Producers include:
- Importers
- Intermediaries
- Stationery dealers
- Marketplace merchants
- Online shop operators
- Physical shop operators
- Direct-to-consumer sellers
Most EPR laws require producers to register, pay a membership or licensing fee, and collect and report data on their packaging use and end-of-life.
However, navigating EPR Legislation in Europe can be tricky because there is no unified set of requirements for all the countries in the European Union. Brands must register in each country, and there may be different laws.
For example, the UK has a minimum registration threshold of £2 million and 50 tons of packaging. On the other hand, Germany and France have no minimum threshold and require all producers to register.
Packaging waste is divided into three categories in the reporting process:
- Sales/Primary Packaging - Packaging that encloses the product and transfers to the customer at the point of sale
- Group/Secondary Packaging - Packaging that holds sales units together
- Transport/Tertiary Packaging - Packaging used for transporting goods
Brands selling in Europe should become familiar with the EPR requirements for all countries they sell in and ensure they register in and comply with the laws of each country.
The Packaging Waste Directive
What is it?
Legislation requiring EU countries to take steps to minimize packaging use and waste, reduce the use of hazardous substances in packaging, design for increasing recyclability and circularity, and file reports.
Is it currently in effect?
Yes, with additional requirements rolling out through 2030.
Do brands need to take action today?
What do brands need to do?
Comply with EPR regulations in the countries in which they sell.
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The Packaging Waste Directive took effect in 1994 and was amended in 2005 and 2018. Updated requirements are still being rolled out through 2030.
The Directive requires Member States (countries within the EU) to put systems in place to manage the return, collection, reuse, or recovery of used packaging.
This law applies to countries within the EU and operates at a government level. As such, it doesn’t generally apply to brands directly, but governments may pass the responsibility to producers and importers through EPR legislation and other packaging compliance requirements.
By 2024, all Member States must have EPR schemes in place. Current targets will require a 65% overall recycling rate for packaging waste by December 31, 2025, with specific target recycling rates for different materials.
The Waste Framework Directive
What is it?
Defines concepts and processes for waste management within the EU, including the definitions of waste, recovery, and recycling.
Is it currently in effect?
Yes, with additional requirements rolling out through 2030.
Do brands need to take action today?
Yes, see the recommended steps.
What do brands need to do?
Preemptively reduce waste in their packaging and optimize packaging for reuse, recycling, or other recovery methods.
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The Waste Framework Directive sets the foundation for managing waste within the EU. This directive requires governments to manage waste without:
Harming human or environmental health
Causing risk to air, water, soil, plants, or animals
Disturbing the community through noise or odors
Harming the countryside or other places of special interest
Within this Framework, waste is managed in the following hierarchy:
- Prevention (the preferred option)
- reparing for Reuse
- Recycling
- Recovery
- Disposal (the last resort)
One key goal of the framework is to recover as much usable material as possible through methods like recycling. “End-of-Waste” criteria identify materials or components that can be recovered for future use.
While this Directive applies to governments, it also influences the EPR legislation set by each country. Parliament approved the first report on March 13, 2024, and expanded requirements for EPR schemes and packaging compliance are likely.
The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
What is it?
A legislative framework designed to make sustainability reporting more transparent, standardized, and comprehensive for EU companies.
Is it currently in effect?
Not for most brands, rolling out through 2027.
Do brands need to take action today?
What do brands need to do?
Ensure their ESG reporting is transparent and comprehensive and begin or continue factoring sustainability into packaging decisions.
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The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a legislative framework that aims to enhance EU Companies’ sustainability reporting. It will require EU brands to expand and standardize their sustainability reporting, encompassing environmental, social, and governance aspects.
This Directive emphasizes material ESG disclosures, aiming for transparency and comparability. It’s designed to align with global sustainability goals and increase transparency, making it easier for stakeholders to assess a company’s ESG.
CSRD applies to large EU and non-EU companies listed on EU markets. It also affects EU and large non-EU small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Large public-interest companies with 500+ employees were required to report beginning in 2024. Requirements for companies with 250+ employees or more than €40 million in revenue will take effect in 2025 and for small-to-medium-size enterprises in 2026.
Currently, micro-enterprises are exempted.
To qualify as a micro-enterprise, brands must meet two of the following three criteria:
- Fewer than ten employees
- Balance sheet total below EUR 2 million
- Turnover between EUR 2 million
Brands must comply with CSRD by broadening their sustainability reporting and including environmental, social, and governance factors. They must report material ESG information in a standardized format. Showing a commitment to sustainability and integrating it into packaging decisions and strategies will be critical for complying with CSRD.
EU Green Claims Directive
What is it?
A directive aimed at preventing confusing, misleading, or false sustainability claims by brands.
Is it currently in effect?
No, awaiting formal approval and implementation.
Do brands need to take action today?
Preparation recommended.
What do brands need to do?
Ensure all “green” claims on packaging and in marketing are transparent, accurate, and not misleading to consumers.
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European Commission | Productwise
The Green Claims Directive was proposed in 2023, and a first-reading position was adopted by Parliament on March 12, 2024, with interinstitutional negotiations now underway.
This Directive is the EU’s next step in combating greenwashing. It empowers consumers to make more sustainable choices and prevents brands from making misleading or unsubstantiated ESG claims.
Once in place, this directive will ban several common greenwashing practices. The following are most likely to apply to packaging strategy:
Generic or vague environmental claims such as “eco-friendly,” “natural,” or “climate neutral” without substantiated proof (e.g., a life cycle assessment)
Use of offsetting schemes to claim that products have a limited, neutral, or positive impact on the environment, without other meaningful sustainability efforts
Sustainability labels not based on approved certifications established by trusted authorities such as ISO, Ecolabel, or EPD
Sustainability claims about the durability of a product under time or intensity constraints without standardized proof
Presenting goods as repairable when they are not*
*We see a gap in the current proposed legislation about misleading claims about the recyclability of packaging and products. Unfortunately, many companies label packaging in a way that makes customers overestimate the recycled content or recyclability of the material. We wouldn’t be surprised to see later addendums addressing this gap. In the meantime, brands that clearly communicate recycled content and recyclability will be ahead of the packaging compliance curve.
Now that we’ve taken a deep dive into various guidelines for packaging compliance in the EU, let's go over some of the legislation to be aware of in the United States.
Understanding Packaging Compliance Requirements
in the United States
FTC Green Guides
What is it?
A collection of guides created by the US Federal Trade Commission to prevent deceptive marketing and make it easier for consumers to choose green products.
Is it currently in effect?
Do brands need to take action today?
What do brands need to do?
Use the guides as a resource and ensure your packaging and marketing complies with standards for transparency and accuracy.
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The FTC Green Guides, or "Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims," are guidelines issued by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the U.S. They aim to empower customers to choose more sustainable products by preventing businesses from making deceptive environmental claims.
These guidelines establish standards for truthful and substantiated claims in areas including:
Recycled content
Energy efficiency
Compliance with these guidelines is crucial to avoid deceptive advertising practices and subsequent legal action by the FTC. The guides are regularly updated to align with consumer expectations and market changes.
Brands can refer to the FTC Green Guides to ensure they align with requirements. In general, ensuring that all environmental or sustainability claims are accurate and backed up by evidence will help brands stay within compliance in their packaging and marketing.
SEC Proposed Rule On Carbon Emissions Disclosure
What is it?
A rule that enhances and standardizes GHG emissions disclosures made by public companies in the United States.
Is it currently in effect?
Yes, with requirements rolling out through 2033.
Do brands need to take action today?
Yes, if registered with the SEC
What do brands need to do?
If your brand may be affected, collect and maintain accurate Scope 1, Scope 2, and other emission data and review the adopted guidelines.
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SEC Press Release | SEC Adopted Guidelines
Proposed in March 2023 and adopted in 2024, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rule requires public companies in the United States to include climate-related disclosures in their statements and reports. This includes carbon emissions and other GHG emissions.
This rule aims to provide investors and decision-makers with more transparent, consistent, and comparable information about companies' climate risks and sustainability progress. The rule also requires climate-risk disclosure be included in companies’ SEC filings.
Under the current guidelines, only large public companies that are registered with the SEC are subject to the new requirements:
Large Accelerated Filers (public float of $700 million or more): First to be required to report starting in 2025, with the most robust requirements
Accelerated Filers (public float of $75 - $700 million): Required to report starting in 2026, not required to provide reasonable assurance
Smaller Reporting Companies, Non-Accelerated Filers, Emerging Growth Companies: Required to report starting in 2027, Scope 1&2 GHG emission reporting not required
Publicly traded brands can prepare to comply by collecting and maintaining accurate data about climate-related risks, material expenditures, GHG emissions, and other areas outlined in the new rule.
Extended Producer Responsibility: Maine, Oregon, Colorado, California, and Beyond
What is it?
A slowly growing trend of legislation taken by individual states in the US to put more responsibility on producers to care for the end of life of their packaging.
Is it currently in effect?
Varies by state, but most states are still in very early stages.
Do brands need to take action today?
What do brands need to do?
Stay up-to-date with EPR legislation and ensure they register with the correct PROs when they become available.
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In our Guide to EPR Legislation, we go into detail about the current and proposed legislation and trends related to sustainable packaging and packaging compliance. One of the emerging trends in the United States is Extended Producer Responsibility Laws.
Like countries in the EU, each state in the US has unique rules about sustainability and corporate responsibility. Some states have little to no oversight. Others, like California, are becoming increasingly restrictive of potentially harmful practices like single-use plastics.
Four states have EPR Legislation approved and are in the early stages of implementation:
More states have EPR bills in the proposal process, and we expect to see this number expand.
It’s unclear how (or if) e-commerce packaging will be handled under these states’ EPR laws. We recommend that all brands stay up-to-date with changing EPR legislation. If laws that apply to them are passed, ensure proper registration, reporting, and payments to the correct PROs.
We also encourage all brands to take steps early by evaluating their packaging (and business practices) to identify ways to prioritize sustainability.
We will continue to update our Guide to EPR Legislation and Packaging Sustainability Requirements, so we encourage you to use it as a resource as you navigate changing guidelines.
California Truth in Labeling
What is it?
Recent legislation passed in California (SB 343) will prohibit misleading or confusing recycling labeling on products sold in California.
Is it currently in effect?
Not fully, requirements for brand packaging anticipated in the fall of 2025.
Do brands need to take action today?
What do brands need to do?
Prepare to include accurate recycling information and labeling on product packaging.
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This law, passed in California in 2021, aims to help consumers understand what is and isn’t recyclable in the state more easily. This will be achieved by requiring manufacturers and retailers to include accurate, easy-to-understand recycling information on their packaging — and prohibiting deceptive or inaccurate recycling labels.
CalRecycle is spearheading research to identify issues with existing recyclability labeling and information practices. Once the legislation is in place, brands making or selling products in California must ensure their packaging includes clear, accurate recycling information that complies with established standards.
Colorado Truth in Labeling
What is it?
Legislation passed in Colorado to require that products labeled as compostable be certified by a trusted third party such as BPI.
Is it currently in effect?
Do brands need to take action today?
Yes, if selling in Colorado.
What do brands need to do?
Ensure that any product or packaging presented as compostable is certified by a third party and labeled accurately.
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The Colorado Truth in Labeling Act was passed in May of 2023. Unlike California’s Truth in Labeling requirements, this Act mainly focuses on compostable packaging.
This law aims to help reduce contamination rates in composting facilities and empower consumers to properly dispose of products and packaging.
Under this law, any product or packaging presented as compostable must be certified by a trusted third party like BPI and clearly labeled with accurate composting information and instructions. Using words, labels, images, or other marketing or advertising to mislead customers about the product’s compostability will be prohibited.
New Jersey Right-Size Shipping Box Law
What is it?
Legislation passed in New Jersey to reduce waste and transportation emissions from shipping materials.
Is it currently in effect?
Do brands need to take action today?
Yes, if selling in New Jersey and covered under the size requirements.
What do brands need to do?
Ensure that the volume of shipping materials is not greater than two times the volume of products shipped.
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This bill aims to reduce material waste and transportation pollution by prohibiting oversized shipping boxes for specific companies within New Jersey.
The bill was passed on April 4, 2024, and went into effect immediately.
Companies covered under this law include large online retailers and major retail establishments, defined as follows:
Large online retailer: A business selling goods over the internet with annual gross sales of $1 million or more
Major retailer: A retail establishment that occupies at least 75,000 square feet and has 50 or more employees
Brands that are affected should work to right-size their shipping boxes for the products they sell within New Jersey. Right-sizing packaging is a step we recommend for all brands.
A note about greenwashing and legislation in the United States
States and governments within the US are slowly passing more legislation to promote sustainable practices on a public and commercial basis.
However, regardless of legislation, it’s important to note that climate-related lawsuits, especially greenwashing suits, are coming up more and more frequently. The FTC is more actively enforcing its Green Guides, mentioned above, to prevent businesses from using deceptive or misleading messaging about sustainability.
These lawsuits increase the pressure on both governments and corporations to speed up the progress toward sustainability goals. So even if some of the legislation highlighted here isn’t official until 2025 or later, brands that step up and commit to transparency and sustainability now will be poised for success.
Other Sustainability Legislation That May Affect Packaging Decisions
What is it?
Bans on intentionally added PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals,” particularly in personal care products or food service packaging.
Is it currently in effect?
Yes in some areas, with more pending or proposed.
Do brands need to take action today?
Yes, if selling in areas with bans, recommended for all brands.
What do brands need to do?
Ensure all packaging is free from intentionally added PFAS.
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PFAS Bans are some of the fastest-growing around the country. PFAS stands for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances. These artificial chemicals are toxic to people and the planet. They are “forever chemicals” and don’t break down in the body or the environment.
Many states have already banned intentionally added PFAS in packaging materials, and more have legislation on the way. Some states also make it illegal to label anything containing PFAS as compostable or recyclable.
Even before these regulations started taking hold, we took steps to ensure that all of our packaging materials meet the highest safety standards — and are free from PFAS.
If your brand uses other packaging, confirm it is free from intentionally added PFAS. We recommend this even if you are not currently selling in an area with bans, as we expect PFAS bans to become more common as time goes on.
PVC Bans
What is it?
Bans in various states or countries prohibiting the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in plastic packaging.
Is it currently in effect?
Yes in some areas, with more pending or proposed.
Do brands need to take action today?
Yes, if selling in areas with bans, recommended for all brands.
What do brands need to do?
Remove any PVC from current packaging solutions and replace with safer alternatives
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Some studies have concluded that PVC is the most environmentally damaging type of plastic today. Since PVC contains chlorine, it’s linked to ozone layer destruction, water contamination, human health issues, and harm to wildlife.
Because of this, some states and countries have enacted bans on PVC. With environmental and health advocates pushing to outlaw the chemical, we expect more bans to follow.
Countries that have already banned PVC include:
- Canada
- The Czech Republic
- Spain
- South Korea
The European Union also has a pending ban on PVC, and US cities like Rahway, NJ, and Glen Cove, NY, have banned PVC in food packaging or utensils.
For any brands still using PVC-based components in their packaging, we recommend exploring alternatives made from safer, recycled plastic or non-plastic materials like paper.
California Rigid Plastic Packaging Container Law
What is it?
A law mandating the composition and recyclability of rigid plastic packaging used in California
Is it currently in effect?
Do brands need to take action today?
Possibly, if doing business or selling in California
What do brands need to do?
Ensure any rigid plastic packaging containers meet the relevant criteria
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California enacted the Rigid Plastic Packaging Container Law (RPPC) to enhance plastic waste reduction and recycling rates.
The law mandates that plastic packaging containers manufactured, imported to, or sold in the state must meet certain criteria, including containing a minimum of 25% recycled materials, being reusable, or having a 45% recycling rate. However, specific products like food, drugs, and medical devices are exempt from this law.
If selling products in rigid plastic containers in California, brands should become familiar with the criteria and ensure their products meet at least one of the minimum requirements.
Model Toxics in Packaging Legislations
What is it?
Legislation effective in 19 states regulating intentionally introduced heavy metals and other hazardous substances in packaging.
Is it currently in effect?
Do brands need to take action today?
Yes, if doing business in one of the applicable states.
What do brands need to do?
Go through the proper steps to get a compliance or exemption certificate and submit it for review.
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The Model Toxics in Packaging Legislation, established in 1989, aimed to reduce heavy metal usage in packaging nationwide.
Currently adopted by 19 US states, including 10 in the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) and 9 non-member states, it regulates intentionally introduced heavy metals and substances in packaging and components for sale.
The restricted substances encompass lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, PFAS, and ortho-phthalates, with a total concentration limit of 100 parts per million (ppm). Packaging components like blocking, closures, and coatings fall within its purview.
Importantly, TPCH mandates importers and manufacturers to furnish compliance or exemption certificates upon request, impacting companies placing products in packages.
EcoEnclose packaging solutions are free from these prohibited materials. If using other packaging materials, follow the proper steps to gain documentation related to your packaging.
California Proposition 65
What is it?
A law in California that requires the state to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer, congenital disabilities, or other reproductive harm.
Is it currently in effect?
Do brands need to take action today?
What do brands need to do?
Go through the proper steps to get a compliance or exemption certificate if your packaging is likely to use polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) or contain plasticizers.
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California Proposition 65 rarely, if ever, applies to packaging. However, enough people have asked us about this law, and we want to address it here.
California Proposition 65, also known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enfothey 1986, requires the state to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer, congenital disabilities, or other reproductive harm.
This list is updated annually and includes various chemicals commonly found in products, workplaces, and the environment. Businesses must provide a clear and reasonable warning to consumers about exposure to these listed chemicals in their products or environments.
EcoEnclose’s packaging solutions do not lead consumers to significant exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, congenital disabilities, or other reproductive harm.
Full Material Disclosures for Plastic Manufacturers
What is it?
A complete list that details all the ingredients and components contained in a product
Is it currently in effect?
Do brands need to take action today?
Not required for most brands.
What do brands need to do?
Plastic manufacturers may receive requests for FMDs, so having them prepared can be helpful.
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A Full Material Disclosure (FMD) lists a product's ingredients, components, and substances.
The requirements of an FMD do allow for some proprietary ingredient protections. However, information about the hazards of any chemicals or ingredients must be disclosed.
Few of our EcoAllies will find FMDs relevant to their brand’s compliance strategy. Plastic manufacturers or chemical manufacturers are most likely to receive requests for FMDs.
However, having complete and accurate information about the ingredients used in your packaging and products can be a helpful step for any brand.
Digital Product Passports (DPP)
What is it?
A relatively new concept that allows all the information for a product or material to be uploaded to a central online library for easy consumer access.
Is it currently in effect?
To some extent, but not yet required.
Do brands need to take action today?
What do brands need to do?
Explore creating a DPP for your products or materials.
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Finding all the information about various products and packaging can be tedious for consumers. The Digital Product Passport Library aims to change that by creating a searchable database of product information.
DPPs are not currently required by law, and the library is still in the earlier stages of development. Creating a DPP can help your brand exchange information with partners more easily and access compliance data from one central hub.
Once this facet of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) comes fully into effect, it is expected that nearly all products sold in or into the EU will be required to have a digital product passport.
Brands can stay on top of this emerging area of packaging compliance by maintaining comprehensive data about their products and keeping current on requirements for passports.
Plastic Packaging Tax
In our Guide to EPR Legislation, we break down the different restrictions on plastic state by state. We recommend that you refer to this guide often, especially if you plan to sell or ship to a new state.
Within the United States, many states and some cities have imposed plastic bag bans or small fees for using bags at checkout (e.g., a $0.10 fee for a grocery bag). These include Maine, Connecticut, New York, Boston, and Jackson Hole.
Other countries implementing plastic taxes include Colombia, Israel, the United Kingdom, and many countries within the European Union, including Greece and Portugal. The type of plastic taxed, the rate of taxation, and how and by whom the fees are paid varies by country.
Note that this type of plastic tax generally affects in-person retailers and shopping centers more than online retailers or eCommerce stores. Most plastic taxes focus on plastic bags, such as single-use grocery bags, rather than packaging like mailers.
However, we recommend that anyone shipping to places with plastic taxes use 100% recycled plastic or shift to plastic-free solutions like paper whenever possible.
Labeling and Packaging Compliance
We’ve addressed some of the sustainable packaging legislation related to labeling, such as compostability and recyclability labels. Some other rules or guidelines deal with labeling but may not relate directly to sustainability.
One example is the FTC’s Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, which requires that all consumer commodities be labeled with the net contents, the identity of the commodity, and the name and place of business of the product’s manufacturer, packer, or distribution company.
California has also passed a new requirement for more explicit expiration labeling for food and beverage products, with specifics rolling out as the legislation comes into effect.
Generally speaking, ensuring that your labeling practices are transparent, accurate, and not misleading to customers will help you stay in line with most requirements. If you’re unsure of any additional labeling laws that may apply to your business, we’d be happy to help you learn more.
How to Comply with Sustainable Packaging Requirements
Next steps for your brand
In this guide, we’ve examined some current and developing packaging compliance requirements.
Now, let’s look at some of the suggested next steps we recommend for brands. Wherever you’re selling and whatever your business is, taking these steps can help you feel confident about your packaging compliance strategy and stay ahead of potential problems.
Even if your brand is not currently subject to requirements, being proactive and taking steps to improve the sustainability of your packaging and the accuracy of your data can help you stay ahead of the compliance curve.
Collect and Maintain Documents and Data
Compliance documents
PRO registration information
Data about your packaging
Bill of Materials (find ours here)
ESG and emissions data
Certifications and third-party verification documentation
Set Up Reminders to Stay Up-to-Date with Legislation in Areas You Sell To
Expect to see more comprehensive sustainable packaging requirements for eCommerce and in-person sellers as time goes on
Stay current on the legislation that applies to your business by setting reminders to check in regularly
Understand Where Your Products Are Sold and at What Volumes
States you sell in
Countries you sell in
Revenue and tonnage of packaging in each location
Audit Your Current Packaging Strategy and Practices
Are you using any prohibited materials?
Are you using materials that are restricted in certain areas?
Does your packaging create excess waste?
Have you verified those claims through trusted third parties if presented as compostable or recyclable?
Are your labeling practices clear and accurate?
Determine Your Reporting Requirements
Are your revenue levels above certain thresholds?
Are you doing business in areas with EPR requirements?
Is there any pending legislation you need to watch out for?
Do you sell products that fall under more stringent requirements? (e.g., supplements or foods)
Are there bodies such as PROs that you need to join?
Implement a Long-Term Compliance Strategy
Continue working to further your sustainability goals and packaging strategy
Form relationships with relevant parties or governing bodies
Consider designating a compliance officer or team if it makes sense in your business
Consult with trusted advisors to create the best compliance strategy and governance process for your brand
EcoEnclose Is Here to Help Your Brand Stay On Top of Packaging Compliance
We’re committed to staying up-to-date with the latest sustainability requirements, packaging legislation, and compliance issues. That way, we’re prepared to help you confidently navigate the world of packaging compliance and sustainability legislation. You can explore more packaging compliance resources from our library below.
For individual guidance, reach out to us so we can help you refine your packaging, understand which requirements apply to your brand, and develop a compliance strategy that works.

Bill of Materials
Our BOM shares verified information on the sustainability of our products and insight into our supply chain.

Many of our products are certified, and we can help you pursue additional certifications at the brand level.

Packaging Weights
Find individual weight information for each of our packaging solutions on all product pages.

We provide sustainability information for you to share with your customers through a QR code.

Guide to Thin Film Recycling
Learn more about becoming certified and preparing your thin film packaging for maximum recyclability.

Guide to EPR and Packaging Legislation
Take a big-picture look at trends within the world of EPR and compliance.