Our Collective Eco Impact

The commitment, passion, and purchasing power of our 50,000 strong EcoAlly community have changed packaging for the better. They have saved substantial resources by choosing recycled packaging and the quantified impact is an inspiring reminder that the commitments of conscious businesses shapes a more ecologically sound future.
Thank you for letting EcoEnclose be part of your eco-conscious business.
In May of 2023, EcoEnclose became a Power User of the Environmental Paper Network Paper Calculator.
Our 2023 environmental savings report, as well as our savings calculator, now draws directly from the EPN's most up to date assumptions and LCA results.
EcoEnclose Collective Impact 2024

Beyond The Numbers

Our 2024 environmental savings are just the tip of the iceberg. The collective purchasing power and commitment of our community is also spearheading some of the industry’s most groundbreaking packaging innovations.

Durable mailer designed for reuse. Customers receive orders in these mailers and ship them back to be used again.

Curbside recyclable paper, post-consumer recycled, and recycle-ready flexible film stand up pouches for food, liquids, and more.

Retail boxes and folding cartons with windows made from regenerative seaweed film designed by Sway.

A post-consumer content palstic pallet wrap uiquely derived from LDPE film rather than rigid HDPE.

Showcase Your Environmental Impact

Leverage our resources and tools to showcase your sustainability savings.

Use our calculators to assess your savings by switching to recycled packaging.

Help your customers understand the positive environmental impact of their purchases with our free digital assets.