Hemp Twine

A renewable and universal packaging solution.

EcoEnclose twine is made from 100% natural hemp - a strong, biodegradable, and compostable fiber, and a sustainable and renewable crop. Use earthy hemp twine to secure packing paper or GreenWrap around fragile products, or to affix hang tags and notecards to packages.

rustic hemp twine

Rustic Hemp Twine

100% renewable hemp. Unpolished finish, 223 ft, made in China.

Available in 1 size

Ready to ship  |  Min. 1 unit

rustic hemp twine

Polished Hemp Twine

100% renewable hemp. Polished finish, 400 ft, made in Hungary.

Available in 1 size

Ready to ship  |  Min. 1 unit

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is twine?
+ What is twine made out of?
+ How do I use twine in my packaging strategy?
+ Is hemp twine recyclable or compostable?
+ Where is EcoEnclose twine manufactured?