Recycled packaging options save natural resources, reduce water consumption, and release fewer greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere when compared to virgin counterparts. We've developed this Sustainability Savings
Calculator to help you quantify your impact on the planet by choosing recycled packaging instead of virgin
How To Use
Select the packaging product and input the quantity of units. The tool will then output:
The impact of producing your selected packaging with 100% virgin content
The same impacts to produce EcoEnclose's recycled versions of selected packaging
Your sustainability savings by choosing EcoEnclose's recycled packaging
We recognize that resource estimates like these utilize a lot of assumptions, and that these assumptions
are often debated. This calculator is linked directly to the latest data provided by the Environmental
Paper Network's Paper Calculator 4.0. Find more information at the bottom of this page.
Paper Type
Quantity (units)
You're one step away from your sustainability savings!
View your sustainability savings below
Behind the Numbers
Sustainability stats don’t always convey the
impact of your choice to use recycled packaging.
Here's why they matter.
It can be easy to forget that making new products requires
extracting materials from the natural environment,damaging
ecosystems and the species that live there.
Using recycled or recovered materials is one of the most powerful ways to protect
all over the world.
Recycled plastics reduce the demand for
petroleum drilling and mining, which poaches land from some of
the most beautiful & critical ecosystems on Earth.
Using them to make new products raises the inherent
value of recycled plastics, which keeps recyclers in business, and
is what propels recycling forward.
Ancient forests, like the Boreal, Borneo, and Amazon, are critical
anchors of our climate and global biodiversity. The world’s forests are
carbon sinks, absorbing 7.6 billion metric
tonnes of CO2 annually.
Recycled paper and cardboard allows us to create the packaging
necessary for our modern world, without relying
on tree fiber as the main source input.
According to the 9 Planetary Boundaries Framework, drastically
reducing our carbon emissions is the highest priority goal to
achieve in order to avoid catastrophic climate change.
Using recycled input materials instead of virgin input materials
is the biggest way to reduce a product’s overall carbon footprint.
Freshwater supports all life on Earth, and makes up only 2% of
all water on the planet.
Reducing our reliance on freshwater for manufacturing
processes supports a healthy biosphere, keeps aquatic species
undisturbed, and allows the water cycle to stay regulated.
Sources and Methodology
We recognize that resource impacts and estimates like these utilize a lot of assumptions, and that these
are often debated. EcoEnclose’s calculators utilize the latest impact data from the Environmental Paper
Paper Calculator 4.0, and LCA software GaBi Envision by Sphera. Find more information at
Packaging EcoReport
Company Name
Date of report:
in partnership with
The recycled packaging measured in this ecoreport saves*
Gallons of Water
used for production
X Million
BTUs of Energy
required for production
LBS of Wood
cut down for paper production
LBS of CO2 Equivalent
climate change impact
of forest and habitat left undisturbed
Threatened Species
in North America left undisturbed
*Compared to the same products made with 0% recycled content (virgin) materials.
Circularity Impact
Using existing waste materials to produce new products reduces landfilling, keeps
recycling profitable, and bolsters the circular economy’s supply chain.