
Print Plate Promo

Free Printing Plates

Jumpstart your custom packaging!

What: free printing plates for post-production custom packaging orders, up to $350 in print plate value per SKU. Choose from shipping boxes, mailers, kraft bags, kraft bag & seals, glassine bags, paper bags, tissue paper and packing tape.

When: Submit your order September 1 - September 30, 2024 to qualify for this promotion.

How: Contact us in the form below to get started.

"Our Algae Ink-printed kraft boxes have been a huge hit with our customers. The ink looks great, aligns with our values, and resonates with eco-conscious customers — all of which helps set us apart in an increasingly competitive market. Algae Ink allows us to express our unique brand identity while lessening our environmental impact as a small e-commerce business."
- Crafted Infusions