Curbside Recyclable Packaging
What is Curbside Recyclable Packaging?
While the exact definition of curbside recycling varies widely depending on where you live, it generally means any materials that are collected at the home and sent to recycling centers.
Most of our products are made from 100% recycled material, and as much of it is made from curbside recycled materials as possible. We call this “post-consumer” recycled content.
A large portion of our packaging is also curbside recyclable, meaning they can be collected at the home and sent to recycling centers. While the materials accepted by your local recycling service will vary, when it comes to packaging the most prevalent materials are paper, cardboard and plastic.
Why Choose Curbside Recyclable Packaging?
One of the biggest keys to increasing recycling, and therefore decreasing use of virgin materials, is to make it easier for the consumer. Curbside recyclable packaging does just that.
Currently about 70% of cardboard boxes shipped commercially are recovered and recycled, and a good portion of them are made from recycled materials in the first place.
Where it gets a little tricky is with plastic packaging, which is ubiquitous in void fill and weather-resistant poly mailers. It doesn’t have to be tricky, however. We’re proud to offer comprehensive curbside recyclable packaging solutions to satisfy any shipping need- mostly composed of recycled materials themselves.
EcoEnclose Curbside Recyclable Packaging Solutions

Apparel Mailers
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Creasing for expandability and premium presentation. Ideal for shipping soft goods. 100% recycled, 97% post-consumer waste.
Available in 4 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

EcoX Mailers
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Water, tear, and puncture-resistant paperboard. Ideal for shipping soft goods. 100% recycled, 70% post-consumer waste.
Available in 8 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

Kraft Mailers
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Lightweight paperboard and affordable price point. Ideal for shipping lightweight soft goods. 100% recycled, 90% post-consumer waste.
Available in 7 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

Kraft Mailer Lite
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Our lightest weight paper mailer. Ideal for shipping lightweight, bulky soft goods. 100% recycled, 90% post-consumer waste.
Available in 2 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

Padded Mailers
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Upcycled newspaper sandwiched between recycled Kraft paper. Ideal for shipping fragile items. 100% recycled, 20% post-consumer waste.
Available in 5 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 10 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

Self-Seal Rigid Mailers
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Thick 28pt paperboard for a sturdy construction. Ideal for shipping art prints and photos. 100% recycled, 90% post-consumer waste.
Available in 3 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 10 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

Tab-Lock Rigid Mailers
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Extra-thick 36 pt paperboard ensures products do not bend. Reusable tab locking closure. 100% recycled, 90% post-consumer waste.
Available in 3 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 10 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

Custom Shipping Boxes
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Choose your style, size, strength, and branding to create an exceptional unboxing experience. 100% recycled, 95% post-consumer waste.
Available in countless configurations
Custom sizing | Min. 1 unit
Custom branding | Min. 100 units

Glassine Bags
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Curbside recyclable alternative to a clear poly bag. Translucent with a resealable adhesive strip. FSC® certified virgin paper.
Available in 7 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

Kraft Bags
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Curbside recyclable alternative to a clear poly bag. Acid-free paper, open-top construction. 100% recycled, 90% post-consumer waste.
Available in 3 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

Kraft Bag & Seals
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Curbside recyclable alternative to a clear poly bag. Neutral pH paper with a self-seal closure. 100% recycled, 60% post-consumer waste.
Available in 4 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

EcoBand Product Wrap
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Curbside recyclable alternative to a clear poly bag. 80# Kraft paper keeps goods secure. 100% recycled, 30% post-consumer waste.
Available in 3 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 200 units
Customizable | Min. 200 units

Retail Boxes
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Folding cartons with reverse tuck closure. Strong, lightweight paperboard construction. 100% recycled, 97% post-consumer waste.
Available in 6 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Request a quote

Window Retail Boxes
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Strong, lightweight paperboard boxes with windows made with Sway seaweed film. 100% recycled, 85% post-consumer waste.
Available in 2 styles
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Request a quote

Jewelry Boxes
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Protect delicate jewelry and secure small items. Ships flat to ensure economical shipping to you. 100% recycled, 90% post-consumer waste.
Available in 1 size
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

Paper Bags
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Easy-to-fill flat-bottom construction. Twisted paper handles. SQF-certified for food safety. 95% post-consumer waste.
Available in 4 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 250 units
Customizable | Min. 500 units

Tissue Paper
Curbside recyclable where accepted.
FSC® certified paper protects against scuffing and dust. 100% recycled, 20% post-consumer waste.
Available in 1 size and 2 colors
Ready to ship | Min. 480 units
Customizable | Min. 4,800 units

Corrugated Bubble
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Plastic-free alternative to bubble wrap®. Custom sized to your specifications. 100% recycled, 95% post-consumer waste.
Available in 3 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units
Customizable | Min. 25 units

Packing Paper
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Provides bracing in a shipping box and light protection when wrapped around products. 100% recycled, 30% post-consumer waste.
Available in 2 types
Ready to ship | Min. 1 unit

Ornament Paper Shred
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Shredded indented Kraft paper expands to provide light cushioning, and presentation. 100% recycled, 30% post-consumer waste.
Available in 1 size
Ready to ship | Min. 1 unit

SpiroPack Nest Eco
Curbside recyclable where accepted.
Spiral tissue paper void fill quickly creates sustainable volume. The continuous design makes fulfillment a breeze. 95-100% recycled.
Available in 2 colors
Ready to ship | Min. 10 lbs

Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Die-cut honeycomb paper ships flat and expands to create moldable cushioning. Made with certified, virgin paper.
Available in 1 size and 2 colors
Ready to ship | Min. 1 unit

Flexi-Hex Air Sleeve
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Lightweight, flexible honeycomb sleeves ship flat and expand to wrap around fragile items. Made with sustainably sourced paper. 76% recycled.
Available in 4 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 25 units

Slivv Paper Transport Sleeve
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Corrugated shock-absorbing paper sleeves ship flat and open to wrap around fragile items. 100% recycled, 100% post-consumer waste.
Available in 3 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 100 units

Water-Activated Tape
Curbside recyclable when adhered to corrugated shipping boxes.
Paper tape ideal for higher-volume applications. Requires less material per seal. Available reinforced with fiberglass.
Available in 5 strengths and 2 colors
Ready to ship | Min. 1 unit
Customizable | Min. 60 units

Custom Stickers
Paper packages with these stickers are curbside recyclable. Zero Waste liners are curbside recyclable.
Delivered on our unique Zero Waste liner that is 100% recycled and curbside recyclable.
Available in various sizes and facestocks
Customizable | Min. 250 units

100% Recycled White Sheet Labels on Zero Waste Liner
Paper packages with these labels are curbside recyclable. Zero Waste liners are curbside recyclable.
Delivered on our 100% recycled, curbside recyclable release liner.
Available in 2 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 200 units

Eco-Designed Stickers
Paper packages with these stickers are curbside recyclable. Zero Waste liners are curbside recyclable.
Stock stickers in a variety of sustainable designs to convey your eco-friendly commitment. Available on our Zero Waste liner.
Available in various sizes and designs
Ready to ship | Min. 20 units

Custom Notecards
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling. Must be at least 2" x 2".
Deliver targeted messages highlighting your eco-investments, providing product information, and more. 90-100% recycled.
Available in various sizes and 3 card stocks
Customizable | Min. 100 units

Custom Hang Tags
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling. Must be at least 2" x 2".
Promote your brand and showcase your eco-friendly messaging. Perfect for retail tags, gift bags, and more. 90-100% recycled.
Available in 2 sizes and 3 card stocks
Customizable | Min. 100 units

Custom Business Cards
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling. Must be at least 2" x 2".
Create personalized business cards with the lowest environmental footprint possible. 100% recycled, 100% post-consumer waste.
Available in 2 sizes
Customizable | Min. 100 units

Office Paper
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Sustainably sourced paper with HP ColorLok certification for optimized inkjet image quality. 100% recycled, 100% post-consumer waste.
Available in 1 size
Ready to ship | Min. 1 unit

Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Sustainably sourced paper to support your eco-friendly operations. 100% recycled, 30% post-consumer waste.
Available in 2 sizes
Ready to ship | Min. 250 unit

We Care Cards
Commonly accepted in curbside recycling.
Notecards that convey your commitment to sustainable packaging. Free to you! Add to your shipments to showcase your values.
Available in 1 notecard size and 1 sticker size
Ready to ship | Min. 12 units
Benefits of Curbside Recyclable Packaging
If you’re familiar with EcoEnclose, you’ll know that we firmly believe that recycled content matters.
Packaging and goods that are made with recycled materials use less energy and water to create, resulting in less pollution than virgin material. The second priority in our framework is recyclable, with curbside recyclable being the optimal end of life scenario. Why?
Curbside recyclable packaging typically means that more people will recycle, increasing the odds that the raw materials don’t end up in the landfill and are reused - which means we save even more trees, water, power and oil. This is particularly true when it comes to cardboard packaging.
It is important to note that many materials that aren’t “curbside recyclable” are still very recyclable. With plastic packaging, like the ubiquitous poly mailer, the plastic film involved is actually not technically any less recyclable than rigid plastic. But, because it gets caught in the gears of sorting equipment at recycling centers, most curbside programs cannot accept the material.
Thanks to emerging technologies however, some places like Los Angeles and Montreal have started accepting plastic film in curbside recycling bins. This is a huge positive step towards dramatically reducing the amount of virgin material used in packaging. The world of recycling is constantly adapting, and EcoEnclose is proud to be at the forefront.
Our Sustainable Packaging Framework
At EcoEnclose, we don’t believe there is a single “silver bullet” solution to sustainable packaging. Needs vary by industry and business type. We do however, employ a broad sustainability framework to frame all of our packaging decisions.
Prioritizing the use of post-consumer waste, made possible largely thanks to curbside recyclable packaging that motivates consumers to reuse and recycle it, is a key element of that framework.
Importance of Curbside Recyclable and Recycled
Many of the biggest players in ecommerce have made efforts to ship in curbside recyclable packaging, but most commonly, that recyclable packaging is itself made from virgin material. We don’t think using so much virgin material but not re-using it makes very much sense. That’s why we think curbside recyclable packaging should also be made with recycled material. If you don’t care enough to buy back the material you’re putting out in the world, do you really care if it’s recycled?
What About Compostable Packaging?
Compostable packaging can be great for items likely to be soiled by food, but for standard ecommerce packaging, the inks and adhesives can cause a problem. Recycling and Composting can work in tandem, but it’s important to know when each is most valuable.
Another key distinction that needs to be made is the difference between compostable and biodegradable packaging. Just because something is biodegradable does not mean it’s also compostable- the time it takes to break down is a key factor there.
When it comes to compostable mailers, our stance is that recycled, recyclable poly mailers and bubble mailers are better for the planet. The raw materials required to make compostable mailers tend to be degenerative and polluting, and many people don’t even have access to compost in the first place. If scaled up nationwide, overuse of compostable mailers could lead to decreased compost quality and soil contamination.
We’re happy to help you and your business develop a sustainable packaging strategy, and have all the tools required to make it a reality. We’re constantly innovating, increasing post-consumer content, and making our packaging the most eco-friendly on the planet. It makes a difference, and so can you.
Continue to browse the site for more eco-friendly options and guidance, or reach out if you have any questions.